Digital skills for
job search
Our project Intro - Internet Research Communication aims to support people with a refugee biography and migrants in finding information on the labour market online and to teach them the basic digital skills required for this.
Many people who come to live in Germany face a professional reorientation, need to train for new jobs without prior knowledge or need additional qualifications to enter the German labour market. The job search and orientation process is difficult and requires online research, language skills and a certain level of knowledge about the German labour market. Digital skills are a fundamental requirement to successfully master this challenge.
In the Intro project, we teach the specific digital skills needed to use the internet for labour market research, to inform about jobs, internships or further education and training and to communicate in the digital space. To develop these basis digital skills, we use a new teaching concept that combines synchronous (live online sessions) and asynchronous (via an online learning platform) teaching methods.
You can download the flyer (in German) for the project here: Flyer in PDF format.
The current offering is targeted at people living in Hamburg.
Project data
Intro - Internet Search Communication
Duration 1.4.2024-30.9.2024

The Intro project is supported by Hamburger Spendenparlament.
Contact: Anna-Julia Danisch, intro@grenzenlos-digital.org
More information about the project
Website for participants (in German):
Webseite mit Informationen zum Online-Kurs für (potenzielle) Teilnehmende
Factsheet Intro - Results and Key Learnings (PDF 172 KB)
Digital Skills for a Brighter Future: A Look Back at our Project Intro, 15 August 2023
Successful project "Intro": We will present our best practice at ECIL 2023, 14 July 2023
First online course successfully completed, 13 February 2023
Webinar “Shaping digital skills for labour market orientation”, 1 February 2023
Der Digital Divide als gesellschaftliche Herausforderung, Blogpost vom 26. August 2022
Spannendes neues Projekt - Intro-Kickoff!, Blogpost vom 20. Juni 2022
Flyers and posters for the dissemination of the online course (in German):
Poster Motiv 1 (PDF, 157 KB) Poster Motiv 2 (PDF, 300 KB) Poster Motiv 3 (PDF, 287 KB)